Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rho Gamma Spotlight: Caitlin

First, you might be asking- What is a Rho Gamma?

A Rho Gamma is a recruitment councilor. The recruitment staff (the students running recruitment) hired 72 of them this year. They are all disaffiliated from their chapters meaning they can't tell you what chapter they are in. They are your guides to recruitment, they will show you from chapter to chapter the first three days, and will be there for moral support through bid day and beyond! They are your resource for all things Fraternity and Sorority Life and the UO in general.

Caitlin Davidson

My name is Caitlin, and I am a junior at the UO. I am from the Los Angeles area, and am excited for my third year for two reasons. First, I will be studying abroad in Paris, France. Second, I was selected to be a Rho Gamma for 2012 Formal Recruitment. As a freshman, I wasn’t too hot on the whole sorority idea, but ended up going through recruitment just for fun. Recruitment itself was a lot to handle, and that’s why I chose to be a Rho Gamma. In high school, I was a peer counselor and enjoyed being able to connect with other students. So when I went through recruitment and saw how helpful the Rho Gammas were, I knew that was the job for me. Freshman year had its ups and downs, but looking back, I could not be more proud to be a member of Fraternity and Sorority Life. One of my favorite college memories will always be my initiation into my chapter. I wasn’t used to so much rain, so my first Oregon winter was rough. I needed a pick-me-up, which ended up coming in the form of my mom. I’m a legacy, meaning my mom and I are both members of the same chapter, so my mom was able to be a part of my initiation ceremony. I had no idea she was in Eugene until my ceremony, and I was so surprised that I started to cry. Embarrassing I know, but it was exactly what I needed at the time. Overall, my best advice for the recruitment process is to stick with it because you never know what can happen!

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